Why violent extremist groups use social media; Islamic State case study
By Hussain Ehsani
After the attack of Al-Baghdadi most of the jihadi fighters in Telegram and Whatsapp asked each other to pray for health of the “Caliph”. Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’s message was widely spread among jihadi fighter...
Afghanistan’s Complex Women’s Rights Discourse
By Dr. Davood Moradian
Are women’s rights and gender equality universal or culturally and geographically confined to the West? Are there certain cultures and political systems that are inherently misogynistic?...
UN Water Diplomacy Efforts in Central Asian states and Afghanistan
By Andriy Larin
Since its establishment in 2007, UNRCCA Mandate is to liaise with the Governments of the region on issues relevant to preventive diplomacy, supporting regional dialogue and political initiatives...
The Afghanistan Withdrawal Will Make Syria’s Seem Orderly
By Michael Rubin
Trump is right to recognize that Americans are tired of “endless wars.” But withdrawing from Afghanistan without a workable solution will mean the country will fall to the Taliban all ove...